RIATT-ESA Satellite session at ICASA 2015- A sustainable HIV response leaves no child or youth behind


18th International Conference on AIDS and STI’s in Africa was hosted on the 29 November – 4 December 2015, in Harare Zimbabwe. The conference theme “AIDS in Post 2015 Era: Linking Leadership, Science & Human Rights” engages the whole continent and all stakeholders in the post MDG framework, where sustainability of the response in reaching 90, 90, 90 of UNAIDS will not be possible if Human rights are not key priority for a new vision of leadership in the context of strengthening the application of science based evidence.

RIATT-ESA Satellite session at ICASA 2015- A sustainable HIV response leaves no child or youth behind

Harare, Zimbabwe, 30 November 2015

Chairs: Noreen M. Huni- REPSSI Chief Executive Officer & RIATT-ESA Chairperson and Tamara Mathebula- Health, HIV and AIDS Adviser | Irish Aid; Embassy of Ireland in the Republic of South Africa

Speakers Included: Manasa Dzirikure, Ph.D., MAPM SADC Senior Advisor, OVC & Youth Development and Empowerment; Lesley Gittings; Brighton Gwezera Regional Advocacy Advisor; and Eva Atterlöv Frisell- Regional Advisor, Regional Team for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Embassy of Sweden, Lusaka

This session critically analysed the leading approaches to prevention, treatment, care and support for children and adolescents affected by HIV, poverty and violence in Africa. These include Social Protection, Integration of HIV and SRHR, The Minimum Package of Services for OVCY and Psychosocial Support. Taken together do they give us a comprehensive way forward to reach all children or do they add confusion in the region most affected by HIV?

Click here to download the presentations: